Monday, August 8, 2011

Mercury Retrograde

Have you noticed in the past week that there has been more conflict in your life than usual? Misunderstandings? Complications? Unexpected curve-balls to your routine? Everything that can go wrong will go wrong? You are experiencing the phenomenon known as Mercury Retrograde. It's like an astrological storm that hits us all a few times a year.    

Logically speaking, Mercury Retrograde is when the planet Mercury appears to start moving backwards from our point of view. It isn't REALLY moving backwards. It's like this:

Why should this affect our daily lives? For that answer you have to go a little beyond logic. Mercury is named after the Roman god of Communication and Trade, also known as Hermes in the Greek Pantheon.

So... When the planet is in retrograde, some believe that it affects those attribute of communication and trade. I have experienced my fair share of things not going right in the past week. Most of it was from misunderstandings, and everything going wrong at work that possibly could.

My advise to my readers is to hang onto your hats, don't let arguments that happen now affect you too much. Check back in a couple weeks and see if it might have all been just a mis-communication. Try to be careful to make sure that you are clear and patient when communicating with others. Also, when the little things go wrong, just go with the flow. Take a breath, accept it, and move on. It's not a good time to be in a hurry to do anything. Take it easy and stay happy. 

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